Digital Nomad-ing in Gilmore Girl Gifs

  1. You get to set your own schedule. 

2. Except when the only bus/plane is at 5am.

3. You have a general sense of freedom.

4. Some of your friends and family may have doubts about your lifestyle. 

5. A few may wonder when you will get a “real job.”

6. Oftentimes you don’t know where you’re going to be in 3 months, or sometimes even 3 days.

7. You’re an expert at finding good travel deals.

8. Visiting all these places, you find new and delicious foods, sometimes for very cheap. 

9. There are also plenty of new delicious drinks. (Drip coffee, egg coffee, coconut coffee yum!) 

10.  But sometimes, you miss some of your comfort foods. Or foods you just can’t get in whatever country you happen to be in at the time.

11. It’s also hard having to pack so light, but it’s necessary when you move constantly. 

12. But at least you’re on an adventure. 

13. And you get to say things like, “Maybe I’ll go to Bali next month.”

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